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Tankard: accordo con Nuclear Blast

News inserita da: Marco Manzi


I Tankard hanno firmato un contratto discografico con Nuclear Blast Records per il nuovo disco in uscita quest’estate.
Ecco il commento di Andreas "Gerre" Geremia:

"As the want-away footballers always say, I’m looking for a new athletic challenge… baloney! We’ve only inked a deal with Nuclear Blast because they’ve offered most prest-money for a transfer…. Hahaha, okay, seriousness aside: We’re totally happy to have found accommodation at the metal label No. 1 and are chuffed about the collaboration, hoping that this will give TANKARD a big boost in their 30th year of existence! It took quite a while ’till we came ashore here, but then again, Rome wasn’t built in a day, as we all know!"

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