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Dark Funeral: firmano per tre album con Century Media

News inserita da: Marco Manzi


I Dark Funeral hanno siglato un accordo con Century Media Records per la pubblicazione dei prossimi tre dischi. Il commento di Lord Ahriman:

"Our bad luck with labels in the past has for sure been very frustrating. So it is with great pleasure to finally be able to turn the page, move on and start a new dark chapter in the DARK FUNERAL saga, as we join the great Century Media family. Century Media has more than enough proven to be a stable and highly professional label. And we are totally looking forward to this new cooperation, which I’m sure will prove to be very satisfying and successful for both parts. Hail the goat!"

Ecco la nuova line-up:

Nachtgarm - Vocals
Lord Ahriman - Guitar
Chaq Mol - Guitar
Zornheym- Bass
Dominator - Drums

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