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Rival Sons: il video di "Keep On Swinging"

News inserita da: Marco Manzi


Diretto ancora una volta da Greg Ephraim, ecco di seguito il nuovo video della band Statunitense. Ecco le dichiarazioni a riguardo del cantante Jay Buchanan:

"Shooting the video for ’Keep On Swinging’ was a pleasure. Snake handling while wailing to a congregation in an old church is pretty high up there on the list of odd ways to pass the time; excuse me while I go to hell."

E del batterista Michael Miley: "We recently returned from an exciting expedition; it was an adventure. The Spirit was moving in that room. We were playing in a church somewhere in the South (can’t reveal exact location) and had to convince this congregation we could be a musical catalyst for the casting out of demons; we succeeded. We had to tame snakes with our music. There was a swarm of ravens. A girl that was baptized was on fire! Crazy stuff! And it was all caught on tape... I’m sure it will be all over the interwebs soon. Be on the lookout."

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