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Turisas: iniziano le registrazioni!

News inserita da: Marco Manzi


La band finlandese si trova ora nei Sound Supreme Studio di Hämeenlinna a registrare il suo terzo album, che dovrebbe uscire prima della fine dell'anno per Century Media.

Ecco il commento del cantante:

"After a nine-month break from touring to be able to fully focus on songwriting, we've finally moved forward and have now started recording. It's going to be a long project, and keep us busy all the way until the break of summer, but believe me, the wait will be all worth it.

With three years between albums, there's been enough of time to find a fresh angle and new ideas not to repeat ourselves or albums we've done in the past. The songs rock big time, but the epic elements aren't going anywhere — it's going to sound larger than ever before. The leap forward is going to be just as big as between 'Battle Metal' and 'The Varangian Way'."

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