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Tuska Open Air 2012 - Day 1 - 6/29/2012 - Suvilahti - Helsinki

This was the fifteenth Tuska, and it was also the second Tuska in Suvilahti, and unlike last year I didn’t hear any stupid complaints about it “not being anymore in Kaisaniemi and hence sucking”. In fact, for me personally this was probably the best Tuska so far, which is saying something considering this was my 9th year in a row. I do think Tuska has found a perfect home in Suvilahti, the industrial environment looks like the backdrop of all metal videos ever. The one thing most people missed about Kaisaniemi last year was the “lush” (read muddy and slippery) nature of the park with its trees and shade. Awesomely this year they had that in Suvilahti, too! I was frankly ecstatic when I found the park bar with its trees and clover field. It was a nice oasis where one could relax and get intoxicated, free from any horrible band that might be playing at the time (Edguy, I’m looking at you!). Otherwise everything went as perfectly as can be from the organizers end; I was especially surprised how easily one could walk straight out from the area right after the last band when everyone else was exiting too. And, as usual, the festival went practically without an incident, an incredible feat I hold testament to the feeling of brotherhood metal induces in Finland.

Profane Omen (Hellsinki Stage): The attitude of their metal was a nice and refreshing start to this year’s metal party. The morning was overshadowed by the rumors about both Animals as Leaders and Lamb of God were going to cancel their gigs. There was already a lot of people inside the area, and same as last year it was possible to enter and exit the area as one pleases with a three-day ticket.

Alcest (Inferno Stage): Trying to see at least a bit of all interesting bands means that for the most I only caught glimpses of many bands I would’ve otherwise watched entire gigs of. Alcest was one of those, but their gloomy and tranquil metal was a bit too sleep-inducing as a starting band. Their music was very beautiful, though, so I’m definitely going to check them out at some point.

Exodus (Radio Rock Stage): I’ve seen Exodus a couple of times live, but this was the first time I really enjoyed them. Why this is, I don’t know, but Rob Dukes’ kick-ass vocals probably had something to do with it. The pit was insane, and I heard they did a huge wall of death, but sadly I missed that. At this point the sun was already scorching, as it is wont to do at Tuska.

Inferia (Musamaailma Stage): Proper death/grind in a indoor setting, works always! The indoor stage is another great addition that the move to Suvilahti has brought with it. Seeing a band like Inferia on a small stage in the cursed sunshine just wouldn’t be the same, this holds especially true for doom bands.

Suidakra (Inferno Stage): A completely new band to me, SuidAkrA managed to make a good first impression. They play death metal with a technical and melodic touch, so definitely my cup of tea. They also had some folk elements thrown in, which made the band seem more unique. Again a band I’ll definitely check up on when I have the time.

Barren Earth (Hellsinki Stage): This was the timeslot for Animals as Leaders, one of the bands I was most looking forward to, but sadly the sorry lot managed to miss their flight!? Instead the Tuska crew managed to get Barren Earth to play on a very short notice. Barren Earth combines very melodic stuff with the great growls of StS frontman Mikko Kotamäki. Not really all that great in my view, but still a helluvalot better than an empty stage.

Edguy (Radio Rock Stage): The mandatory horrible power band playing their boring music, with an especially bad vocalist, yay!

Saint Vitus (Radio Rock Stage): Old doom from really old rocker guys, hell yeah! Among the first bands in the doom genre, and it’s hard to picture a more metal-looking band, with their tattoos and long hair they are the archetype of old-school metal. The guitarist was surprisingly fast for such an old band, and when the drummer intentionally threw a drumstick at the vocalists head I knew they also have humor. A good gig, which I sadly mostly missed due to the other gig on top of it.

Lock Up (Inferno Stage): Oh my fucking god! That was all I could think when I happened to walk past these guys. I had thought that this was just another crap heavy metal band because of their name, but then I noticed the bass player of Napalm Death (Shane Embury) and the vocalist of At the Gates (Tomas Lindberg) were sharing the stage! I was damn lucky to see the gig at all, and it proved to be one of the best of this year. Insane blastbeats, impossible doublebasses and more attitude than all the previous bands put together, it was an intense gig if I’ve ever been to one.

Oddland (Musamaailma Stage): I saw only the couple last songs, but it was good to see these guys in Tuska. It wasn’t that long that they were taking part in the Century Media competition (which they won) or playing in Otaniemi (where they ruled). They had a female singer and a growler with them, which increased their already versatile output.

Trivium (Radio Rock Stage): Another boring mainstream band that was playing the main stage to a pretty unimpressed crowd. It might’ve just been me but I could’ve sworn there were more people to see Lock Up than these clowns.

Demigod (Musamaailma Stage): Time for some more old-school death metal from Finland. Another great gig which was perfect for the Musamaailma inside stage.

Arcturus (Inferno Stage): A strange band indeed, this was the first time I actually listened to their music for more than a single song, and I just have to say this is another band I have to add to my ever-growing list of bands to get familiarized with. I especially liked the weird speaks, way to stay in character.

Hatebreed (Hellsinki Stage): American metalcore, and they sound exactly as generic as the genre definition says. They did have good stuff in some of their songs, but I just can’t bring myself to listen to so jumpy music.

Megadeth (Radio Rock Stage): The main act of the first day, Megadeth were pretty much themselves. The mixing was pretty good, and Mustaine’s vocals were better than average. His attitude wasn’t, however. Unless they had some really strange technical problems, which I totally missed, he was acting out and there were strangely long breaks between songs for no reason. The twin lead of of She-Wolf and other highlights weren’t enough to stop me from leaving when they pulled another really long break before their encore. The gig just left a bad taste in my mouth.


Profane Omen






Lock Up

Saint Vitus




Report a cura di Markus Karppinen

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