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Dying Fetus + Job For A Cowboy + Revocation + Cerebral Bore - 10/1/2012 - Tavastia - Helsinki

Some things are just taken as a given. Like the fact that gigs don’t take place on a Monday. At least my sense of time was seriously warped by this event. But when this many brutal bands come to your town there is no reason to complain.
I last saw Cerebral Bore in 2009 on a non-existing stage in a small club called Darkside. The have grown since then, and not least with the addition of 20-year-old vocalist Simone. Her soft speak voice is in stark contrast with her guttural pig squeals; not only a novelty by any standard. Her moshing also rivals that of CC-frontman Corpsegrinder, which is quite a feat for someone who isn’t all neck. Otherwise the band was frankly boring to watch, since everyone just stood in one place and played without a hint of dynamics. It took them a while, but they even got the pit going, so all-in-all an OK gig.
Revocation felt like the odd one out this evening, with their more thrash-oriented sound and soloing. Both the drummer and guitarist were superb, but the songs just didn’t sell the band. Thestyle and even genre could change several times without any warning within songs. Sometimes this worked, most of the time it just left the audience confused. They do get points for their speak leading into an instrumental song: ”Do you guys like dragons and vikings!?”
Last time I saw Job for a Cowboy was in Tuska without their vocalist. This might’ve been the main reason for me not listening to them in the intervening time, since that guy is pretty much awesome. Tall, muscular and tattooed, with a murderously booming voice; what more could one wish for in a frontman? Maybe that he’d cut out the weird squealing vocals, which at least live didn’t work one bit. Otherwise this was the most interesting gig to watch, in addition to a charismatic vocalist, the rest of the band had some fight in them and were more energetic. Towards the end of their set, their bassist escaped from the stage and spent the rest of the song running around the floor and having fun. A nice change of pace, definitely.
The main act, Dying Fetus, was pretty much what one would expect: accurate, fast and brutal. The stage felt oddly empty with only two guys and a drummer, and they also suffered from stage paralysis. Otherwise their musical prowess is breath-taking. I didn’t realize that the bassist doubles ALL the things that the guitar does, including taps, tremolos and goddamn licks! Probably the best bass player I’ve ever seen, at least technically. They played quite a few of their newest songs, and after a time of uninterest towards the band, the songs made me buy Reign Supreme. They also played some older songs, which they haven’t played in ages. A good, solid gig but nothing special.

Report a cura di Markus Karppinen

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